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Daily talk 20240102

by Write the Story of Your Life 2024. 1. 2.

오늘의 대화 캡처

: 질문에 대답 못하고 횡설수설하는 나에게 이렇게 영업해보는게 어떠냐고 가이드를 해주는 녀석. 기특하다.

One effective angle could be to emphasize the time and cost savings your clients can achieve with high-performance storage. Share specific instances where faster data processing led to quicker decision-making or improved overall efficiency. Also, consider illustrating the scalability aspect – how it adapts seamlessly to growing data needs. This way, clients see not only immediate benefits but also a future-proof solution. How does that sound for your sales approach?

Key Expression

> How do you usually address this issue with your customers?     (일반적으로 고객과 이 문제를 어떻게 해결하시나요?)

   address = deal with


Hello there.
Hey! Nice to chat with you. How's your day going?

I'm good. How are you?
I'm just a computer program, so no feelings, but I'm here to help. Anything specific you'd like to talk about or learn in English today?

If you're unsure about a topic, feel free to ask questions or share something you'd like to discuss. We can keep it casual!

So, about the topic, would you recommend for me?
Sure, how about we discuss technology trends in your field, IT? It could be a good way to pick up some English terms related to your work. What do you think?

Yeah, it's a good idea.
Great! Let's start with cloud computing. It's a game-changer in IT. How familiar are you with cloud technology?

In my field, I focused on the on-premise business, but it's very similar as a cloud solution, so I focus on the hybrid cloud.

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That makes sense. Hybrid cloud is a smart approach, combining on-premise and cloud solutions. What challenges or benefits have you noticed while working with hybrid cloud in your role?

Actually, you know, most customers, they know about the cloud computing, but they are struggling to adopt the private cloud. You know, they have experience about the cloud computing, public cloud computing, but it is a very expensive and, you know, sometimes it is hard to move their data to the public cloud. So, the customer is considering about the private cloud, but the challenge is, you know, based on the cloud computing, it is elastic computing. But I focused on the, and my customer focused on the private cloud, and it is not about the private cloud. It is not an elastic computing resource. So, that is a very hard to approach.
It sounds like your customers are facing a common challenge. Balancing the benefits of public cloud with the control of private cloud can be tricky. Explaining the concept of elasticity in public cloud versus the limitations in private cloud is key. How do you usually address this issue with your customers?

So, I approach the client is, you know, I focused on the customers, customers requirement, and their, so I estimate, I focus on, focus on their estimate computing resource. So that sizing, you know, that, that is important for me and the client also, because hybrid cloud is not elastic, so the initial sizing is very important, so I focus on that. And also, the initial cloud computing resource for private cloud, the main issue is cost. The initial, initial project is a very costly, so it is hard to approach at the first time at the beginning of the cloud project.
Absolutely, sizing and cost considerations are crucial in the initial stages. Helping clients estimate their computing needs accurately can prevent cost overruns. Explaining the long-term benefits of a well-sized private cloud setup, even if the initial investment is higher, might ease their concerns. Have you seen any success stories or specific strategies that worked well in convincing clients about the value of private cloud despite the initial costs?

Actually, you know, at this time, the customer, I proposed to several, I proposed several customers about LLM model environment to the client. So, like, you, ChatGPT is based on the LLM model. I know about that. So, customers are very interested about that technology. So, I proposed several customers about that environment. So, in that environment, there's a very big GPU PAM plus network, high bandwidth network plus high performance storage. I usually focus on the high performance storage at this moment.
That's a smart move. Leveraging LLM (Large Language Models) environments, especially with powerful GPUs, high bandwidth network, and high-performance storage, can significantly enhance capabilities. Clients seem to be interested, especially given the growing importance of AI and large-scale language models. How has the response been from your clients regarding these proposals, particularly focusing on high-performance storage?

Actually, you know, before I approached just only high-performance stories, then I proposed LLM all-in-one solutions with high-performance stories. It is way better than before because customer know about exact their specific project and very specific use case. And also, we have already a big success case like ChatGPT from OpenAI. So, customer are very interested about that.
That's fantastic to hear! Providing an all-in-one solution with a focus on high-performance storage and drawing parallels to successful projects like ChatGPT definitely adds credibility. Specificity tailored to their projects and showcasing success cases can make a significant impact. It seems you've found an effective approach. How do you usually walk clients through the benefits of this comprehensive solution?

You're right.
Glad to hear that resonates with your approach. Anything else you'd like to dive into or discuss regarding technology trends or your experiences in the IT field?

Actually, at this moment, I focused on the LLM model, as you mentioned that, but the others, I have a plan to, the next plan is an open source data lake warehouse proposal to the client. In that environment, it's not just a specific use case, it's a very long-term old pipeline for the data, you know, data ingest, and staging, and preparing, and also the analysis. And this is my new proposal, planned proposal, it can cover all data pipeline and data analysis to the client. So that is my next plan, but I just, I need more time, and I need research for other new solutions, because, you know, the data lake house is a very big, big, big agenda, so we need many ecosystems for that, so I need more time to develop for that.
Absolutely, proposing an open-source data lake warehouse is a substantial undertaking. Taking the time for in-depth research and developing a comprehensive solution is key. It's crucial to ensure all aspects of the data pipeline and analysis are well-covered. If there's anything specific you'd like assistance with or any insights you're seeking regarding data lake warehouses, feel free to share, and we can explore it together.

Thank you for your suggestions. You know, is there any suggestions for me? I usually focus on focus to sell the high performance stories. So I developed offering for this sales. So for example, LLM model and open source data lake. So do you have any idea to sell more the high performance stories? Any idea?
Certainly! When highlighting high-performance storage, consider emphasizing its impact on speed, reliability, and scalability. You could showcase real-world examples or success stories where high-performance storage made a significant difference in data processing. Additionally, offering tailored solutions for various industries and clearly articulating the cost-efficiency over time could be compelling. How do you currently position high-performance storage in your sales approach?

Go ahead.
One effective angle could be to emphasize the time and cost savings your clients can achieve with high-performance storage. Share specific instances where faster data processing led to quicker decision-making or improved overall efficiency. Also, consider illustrating the scalability aspect – how it adapts seamlessly to growing data needs. This way, clients see not only immediate benefits but also a future-proof solution. How does that sound for your sales approach?

Sorry, I cannot follow your last questions. Could you repeat again?
Certainly! In your sales approach for high-performance storage, consider highlighting how it saves time and costs for clients. Share examples where faster data processing led to quicker decision-making. Also, emphasize scalability – how it adapts to growing data needs over time. This way, clients see both immediate benefits and a future-proof solution. How does that align with your current sales strategy?

It's a good idea, but I need a more specific use case or specific offering. Because I need a tangible stuff. You know, it's very competitive, this area, you know. I developed several offerings for high performance stories, so I have a success about that. But I need more, I need more success, so I need a more specific, tangible idea for that. If you have, then give an idea. If not, that is okay for me. It is a very, you are very helpful for me to talk about this. Thank you.
Absolutely, I understand the need for specific and tangible offerings. One approach could be to create tailored packages based on different industries. For example, a high-performance storage solution specifically optimized for healthcare data, ensuring compliance and fast retrieval. This way, clients see a direct match to their industry needs. How does that sound for a more targeted and specific approach?

I have no idea before about the healthcare's use case, but it is very helpful for me. I need to check about our, in my market, healthcare's area. Whether it is helpful or not, I will look at it later.
That sounds like a plan! Exploring the healthcare sector could open up new opportunities. Feel free to delve into it and see if there's a fit for high-performance storage solutions. If you have any specific questions or need further guidance as you explore this avenue, feel free to reach out. Good luck with your market exploration! Anything else on your mind, or any other areas you'd like to discuss?

That's enough for today. Thank you for your time, taking your time. I'm really happy for me to, you know, talk, speak English with my, my working story, you know, it is a very helpful to enhance my English speaking abilities. Thank you for that. Nice talk today.
You're very welcome! I'm glad our conversation was helpful for you. Practice is key for language improvement, so anytime you want to chat or discuss more topics, feel free to reach out. Have a great day!

Have a great day. Talk to you later. Bye.
Take care! Feel free to drop by whenever you'd like. Bye for now!